Great waist of 6 minutes

if you have 6 minutes to waist, and love the vampire stories going round, this is well worth the look.


family get together

The past two weekends we have been hanging out with family, here are some pics of the boy and his cousins and two grandmothers.


A busy may

so May is come and gone already, wich is good in some ways, but man can time fly.
Here is a quick summmery of what we were up to last month.

Derby party, mothers day, ducks, parks, hiking, haircuts and swimming pool. In no specific order. Lets see if you can match the pictures with the events.


good joke

I heard a good joke yesterday, it goes to the "tune" of "knock-knock"

xavier: "uh-oh"
dad: "what"
xavier: "where'd go"
dad: "where'd who go" (or...where'd go who)
xavier: "off"
followed by a little boy laughing

repeat... for about 30 minutes.

more picture to follow later, including the great hair cuts, that is all three of us.