seweing, yard work, and eggs

SO this weekend has been nice, at least weather wise, the sun has been out, but the wind has been cold.
three picture groups to talk about...
i started a new thread ball, with some help from the boy

We worked the garden, and x got muddy.

we looked for some eggs inside.

and outside

and went for a push on the bike.

that is what we have been up to, how about you??

ph and here are some videos of...

the egg hunt,

and the bike ride,


funny video

He loves his cookies


interesting week

SO we have had a very interesting week, and i am ready for the drama to be over.

last weekend was great, Tim came to visit, down from Chicago, on Friday, and on Sunday we went out to see great gma boots, and my mom in K3. (pics to follow)
Then on the way home disaster struck. My car broke down about 60 miles from home. We had to get towed in. AAA was wonderful in the expediency of the process but horrible in listening to the fact that i had a 17 month old with me and would need accommodations for me and a car seat. When the tow got there, he looked at me as if i was a loon wanting two seat belts and was a second from asking me why a could not hold him in my lap. anyway, a very uncomfortable hour and a half later we were home. The next day i had baby transport/car seat issues again when trying to get to the repair shop and back. Well three days and a substantial amount of money later i get my car back the day before i we are about to get my house lifted (another long a painful story)
Well, now the lifting people are here and are concerned because we have a "steady stream" of clear water coming from our foundation, and no one knows where it is coming from. The side of our house that is having issues is the garage side which does not have basement under it, has no water pipes near it, and is on the opposite side of the house then where our well or our sewer system is located. So the plan right now is to dig out the foundation, pump it for an hour, and let it set over night (during which it is scheduled to storm) before raising the house. In the hope that the water will go away or at least stop flowing in a "steady stream." On top of that Arthur is due for his annual vet visit next week, with lots of shots, and lots of money due, along with a pediatrician appointment and a trip to Florida booked...
if only it were august.

now for what you want, the pictures.