two months and one day

We had our two month pediatric appointment. so firstly i must apologize for such a length of time between posts. to catch us up, in the last month we have eaten, pooped, peed, started to smile (just a little), and started to slept more. we also have longer periods of awareness and interactivity. Lastly we have managed to catch our first cold. Saline drops and bulb syringes are our best friend. At the Peds appointment we had gained 2 pounds and grown about 3 inches bringing us to 12 lbs 12 oz, and just over 23 inches long. with a 80 percent length, 75 percent weight and a head diameter int eh 40 percent range. He also got 4 shots and took them like a champ (mom and dad got flu shots too, I only cried a little). We were informed that during the third month he should start doing more things, grabbing, giggling, maybe rolling over. I will be sure to blog about these things as they happen.

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