Old Boy, New Trick

SO we are burgeoning on 12 weeks old and we have picked up three "fun" new tricks tonight. First I can not complain to much about these "fun" new tricks for one reason, and that is 8 to 11, Hours that is, how long has xavier been sleeping every night for the last 16 days... 8 to 11. It is great, so these new "fun" tricks are ok, at least for now.

Trick number #1, (in the voice of the little man) Just because I am in bed at 8:00pm, it does not mean I need to fall to sleep, and no mater how tiered you say I am, or actually am, I am not going to sleep if i do not want to. My eyes may drift slowly shut and i may snuggle my head in, ever expanding that growing bald spot on the back, but if i so chose, I am aloud to open my eyes and not sleep. Even if all I want to do is rub my eyes and drift in and out of consciousness, I will not fall to sleep if i do not want to.

Trick #2, (in the voice of the little man) If i scream, they will come.
"fun, Fun"

On the cusp of not falling to sleep, X has decided he wants to scream. I walk in, and flip on the switch and get dead silence, with a big grin. BIG GRIN. he is cute, but not that cute. I let him play this game a couple times, then i say neey. i decide tonight is the night he gets to learn trick number three.

trick #3, (in the voice of little man) I can cry myself to sleep
"fun, Fun, FUN"

so i turn out the lights and close the door, he cries. I open the door, he smiles.
I close the door, he cries. I open the door, he smiles.
I close the door, he cries. I open the door, he smiles.
I close the door, he cries. I open the door, he smiles.
Then comes the twist.
I close the door, he cries. I wait 5 minutes, I open the door, he smiles.
I close the door, he cries. I wait 10 minutes, I open the door, he smiles
I close the door, he cries. I wait 15 minutes, I open the door, he smiles
I close the door, he cries. I wait 17 minutes and he is asleep.


1 comment:

Jessica said...

So 17 is your new favorite number??
