Public apology

I would like to make a general public apology. A recent interaction that I had, is the catalyst for this post, but I want to be very clear on the fact that this interaction is not the only one of these I have had, and because I know it will not be the last, I would like to apologize for my actions now, and not need to worry about doing it in the future.
Being a new dad, I appear to be a little exuberant in talking about my child. I have found that i interrupt people more often with a "well my son is doing this" statement. Having a child i find that i have the right to be proud, but i must admit that it does not give me the right to be rude. I realize that even though he is the center of my world, he is not the center of everyone else's and it is obnoxiously of me to assume so. This exuberance can be exceptionally hard for people that do not have that "parenting" instinct yet. There are many people out there (not just one!) that feel that they are not yet ready to have children, and there are a few people that i know personally, that know that they are not only not ready now, but they never will be. So i am making this post to let all of you know that if you feel this way, are over whelmed by me, over whelmed by my child, or need me to change the topic of conversation. Let me know. I do understand and I am not offended. I believe that everyone has the right to have there own opinions, and i do not have the right to judge them for those feelings. And i am sorry if I have made any of you feel judged or embarrassed for having said feelings.

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