Two tricks and a trait.

Over the last week, X has decided that he likes to sleep again. This is that he dose not cry as much as he did before, when we put him to bed at night. To help decrease the festival of tears, my lovely wife and I have started to spoil the boy, just a bit. We have started to let him fall asleep in our arms before we put him to bed. This is how I discovered the little man's first trick.
The trick is that he smiles right at the moment that he falls to sleep. It is so cute and endearing, and also key to the "no tears at night" scandal that we are in the midst of. If you watch him when he is dozing off, he closes his eyes and pretends to be asleep, but if you move him he wakes up and starts to cry. However, if you wait for the smile, you are able to move him and place him in his crib with the slightest bit of grunting, and it is nice.

The second trick has to do with when he wakes up in the morning. Lately when he wakes up, he squirms and squawks a little but, he has stopped with the fitful screaming indicating that he wants food, and he wants it now. This is nice, simply for the fact that in the morning I am able to leave him in the crib, happily talking to himself until I have feed the cats, cleaned the litter box, walked the dog, feed the dog, done the dishes, and occasionally have started a load of laundry. The trick is performed when I finally make it in to the room to get him up and changed, before feeding. When I walk in the room he instantly stops speaking and looks at me with a little smile. At that point I flip on the lights in his room and he scrunches up his face a sneezes three times. It too, is the sweetest thing, and at that point I know the day has begun.

The trait, is something that I observed a little while ago, but did not realize was an actual possibility, until Karen pointed it out to me. Our boy is graced with asymmetric pupils. I am not sure if you can see it in the pictures, but in real life his right pupil is slightly larger then his left. I always thought it was just that the light was shining on half his face when I was looking at him, and never thought it was something worth mentioning. Apparently, I was not hallucinating, and he really is odd, and his pupils will never be equal and reactive. They are stuck being slightly unequal and reactive. But we have decided to keep him, and that we love him just the same.

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