24 hours on the front line of humanity

Interesting quote from an interesting lady. Maria Shriver was on (you guessed it) the today show this am, and she said that she was taken aback when her son told a stranger that his mom was not a journalist, model, book writer, or first lady of California, but instead she is a house mom. She however did clear up that she felt that it was just as honorable to be a house mom as all of those other things, and that being an at home parent was very important. It is like "spending 24 hours on the front line of humanity" and that we are in fact "shaping our own future." It is funny, and awe inspiring, to think that this little boy, who loves to bounce, is our future.

Side note, I had a great "its good to be dad" moment yesterday. I was sitting on the couch watching a movie and the boy was asleep in my lap. The next thi9ng i knew, he was sitting up and staring (or is it starring, or stareing, or stairing, bad word) at me with a huge smile on his face. then he curled up into a ball, which his hands in his mouth, and started giggling like he does. He was so happy to just be sitting there looking at me. It was sweet.

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