Welcome to the midwest

The Indiana state fair is currently running, and will be here for the next week. So we decided to take a little trip out to see what we could see.

we got to see






and many other things such as fried oreos, fried hot dogs, fried cheesecake, fried pickles, fried Twinkies, fried Pepsi (yes i said Pepsi), fried snickers, fried pork tenderloin, fried onions, fried potatoes, fried food that has been previously fried, and a plethora of lemonade stands. Along with many people accounting for more then one hoosier unit, with a low tooth to tattoo ratio :)
however i could not find the one thing i was looking forward too, corn fritters. so sad :(


Unknown said...

I'm very excited to see new Edgar :) How do you fry Pepsi??

crevier said...

apparently to fry pepsi, you make a doughnut ball with pesi syrup instead of water. then you fry it, then you take that and didp it in funnl cake batter and fry taht. then you cover the fried pepsi doughnut funnel cake ball, and cover it with more pesi syrup and top with powdered suger. sounds good does it not?? ok, no it does not.