No baby yet.

Just wanted to say no baby yet. We are plus one from the due date by not plus one in the family way. We have done everything that we have been told to do to help the contractions start but nothing has seamed to help SO, tomorrow night we are going to check into the hospital to get things moving and Friday morning Karen is being induced. Why so soon? You may ask. Well, apparently baby boy is big, and if he cooks any longer he may become to big to come out. Also Karen’s first shift post birth is November 15th. So the longer it takes for Baby to come out the shorter the break between then and the 15th. So even though some people out there frown upon induction, and don’t think we should force the baby to follow our schedule that is how it is going to happen. SO by this time Friday night hopefully Xavier will have enterd the world, and the first picture of baby boy Crevier will be up on this very page. Until then, goodnight and sweet dreams.

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