adventures in onesie land

Karen and I have some interesting taste. We have some strong opinions about things, and luckily we agree on about 80% of those things (the other 10% of the time we agree to disagree). Well this has become an issue when it comes to clothing our child. We both are lovers of music, wittiness, movies, and science. Sometimes we like to geek out a little by listening to some lesser known bands while playing family friendly board games. And truth be told, I have some weird interests, such as in rocks, and Legos. Well, we (Karen and I) have decided that X makes the perfect billboard to express our views and opinions. Unfortunately, the populace, as a whole, does not have an overwhelming love for all things Lego, so finding onesies that reflects that love is hard to come by. Thus I have decided to create my own.
Yesterday I wen out and bought some iron-on paper, and sat down at my computer and started to create out little advertisements. Now X has two styling new lego themed onesies, and has at least one guster and one BNL design in the making. I will put pics up as things progress.

1 comment:

Cathy said...

I don't see a pic... but with hopes that BNL means Barenaked Ladies, I await one... I grew up listening to them, how great that you made a onesie! You should send a pic of it to them on their site :) lol!