Man is greater then mother nature?

So I am watching the nightly news, as I do nightly, and they just aired a story about a recent article in Newsweek. Now I have not read the article, I am simply responding to what the news story said. Basically they said Man is a greater force then Mother Nature god like even. According to the recent story, not only is "man produced global warming gasses"(which I take issue with in the first place) responsible for drought and melting ice caps, we are also causing rivers to change there course of flow. Now I am a little educated man, But I am pretty sure that rivers meander, on there own, without mans help. And while I am on the subject I also learned somewhere once that over the 4.5 billion years that the earth has been around, the climate has fluctuated to times of extreme cold (ice ages) and times of extreme heat. I am pretty sure that man was not alive 4.5 billion years ago to help contribute to this fluctuation, and I personally believe that we are pompous fools if we believe that we are able to alter mother natures course or climate now. However that does not mean I am not pro green. Reduce, reuse, and recycle everyone.

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